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上海 Shanghai14+7

14 Days: Centralized medical quarantine

7 Days: Community health monitoring

(At least 6 nucleic acid tests during the 21 days)

Inbound travelers who arrive in Shanghai with final destinations in Jiangsu, Zhejiang or Anhui provinces can be quarantined in the city for three days and then transferred to their destinations for another 11 days of  quarantine

On the fourth day of quarantine, specially-assigned persons from each province will pick up travelers in a special vehicle to prevent cross-infection of the coronavirus.

But if the person has tested positive for the virus, has suspected symptoms or has come into close contact with confirmed cases, they should be quarantined in Shanghai for treatment or further observation.

北京 Beijing14+7+7

14 Days: Centralized medical quarantine

7 Days: Home isolation

7 Days: Community health monitoring

Inbound individuals through other domestic cities have to wait 21 days before entering the Chinese capital, and seven-day health monitoring is required after their entrance.

For those with an inbound period of less than 21 days but are already in Beijing, the "7+7" isolation and health monitoring have to be completed here, local authorities said.

During the seven-day health monitoring, people can follow their normal routines while avoiding gatherings. They are also advised to regularly report their health conditions to local communities.

广东 Guangdong14+7

14 Days: Centralized medical quarantine

7 Days: Community health monitoring

江苏 Jiangsu14+14

14 Days: Centralized medical quarantine

14 Days: Community health monitoring

(3 nucleic acid tests on 3rd, 7th and 14th day during the community health monitoring)

浙江 Zhejiang14+7

14 Days: Centralized medical quarantine

7 Days: Community health monitoring

During the health monitoring period, the color of your Health Code will be YELLOW. You are allowed to go outside your apartment, but should avoid public transport and public indoor spaces, like mall, museum, cinema. You will take another nucliec acid test on the last day of health monitoring period, if it is negative, then you health code will be green.

山东 Shandong14+7

14 Days: Centralized medical quarantine

(1 nucleic acid test + 1 antibody test upon arrival)(4 nucleic acid test during the centralized medical quarantine)7 Days: Community health monitoring

(1 nucleic acid test on the last day of community health monitoring)

四川 Sichuan14+7

14 Days: Centralized medical quarantine

7 Days: Community health monitoring

(2 nucleic acid tests during the community health monitoring)

辽宁 Liaoning14+7+7

14 Days: Centralized medical quarantine

(2 nucleic acid test + 1 antibody test during the centralized medical quarantine)
7 Days: Home isolation

(1 nucleic acid test on the last day during home isolation)
7 Days: Centralized medical quarantine

(3 nucleic acid tests on 3rd, 7th and 14th day during the community health monitoring)

湖北 Hubei14+14

14 Days: Centralized medical quarantine

(2 nucleic acid test + 1 antibody test during the centralized medical quarantine)
14 Days: Home isolation

(2 nucleic acid test during home isolation)

陕西 Shannxi14+7+7

14 Days: Centralized medical quarantine

7 Days: Home isolation

7 Days: Community health monitoring

福建 Fujian14+7

14 Days: Centralized medical quarantine

(2 nucleic acid test on the 1st and last day during the centralized medical quarantine)7 Days: Home isolation

河南 Henan14+7

14 Days: Centralized medical quarantine

7 Days: Home isolation

天津 Tianjin14+7

14 Days: Centralized medical quarantine

7 Days: Home isolation

湖南 Hunan14+7+7

14 Days: Centralized medical quarantine

7 Days: Home isolation

7 Days: Community health monitoring

重庆 Chongqing14+7+7

14 Days: Centralized medical quarantine

7 Days: Home isolation

7 Days: Community health monitoring

安徽 Anhui14+7+7

14 Days: Centralized medical quarantine

7 Days: Home isolation

7 Days: Community health monitoring

吉林 Jilin21+7

21 Days: Centralized medical quarantine

(If you enter China from other cities, where you finish the 14 days centralized medical quarantine, you still need to take 7 days centralized medical quarantine in Jilin.)
7 Days: Home isolation

If you are from a county where is experiencing surging COVID-19 cases, then you will take 28 days centralized quarantine.

黑龙江 Heilongjiang14+14

14 Days: Centralized medical quarantine

(2 nucleic acid test + 1 antibody test during the centralized medical quarantine)
14 Days: Home isolation

(3 nucleic acid test + 1 antibody test during the quarantine)

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